How to entice staff to eat fruit in the Workplace
Most people understand the benefits of eating fruits in the office. If you don’t, you can click this link to go to a page that explains why. How convenient! If we’re all up to speed, then we should all know why it’s good to have fruits. Now it's time for the hard part; how can we promote eating fruit in the workplace? For a lot of people, listing the benefits of something might not just be enough, they might need just a little bit more enticing…
Make Fruit Easily Accessible
The easier fruit is to grab and chow down on – the more people are likely to eat it. This can be done by placing bowls or seasonal fruit baskets in frequented areas of the workplace. Perhaps the breakroom, or the area by the copier/printer.
Picking easy-to-eat fruit.
It’s not necessarily just grabbing the fruit that matters. Remember, we want to try and make the consumption of fruit as effortless as possible. Picking produce that require minimal preparation before eating is ideal. Fruits such as apples, grapes, pears, or strawberries!
Fruits like Bananas and oranges are pretty good too, sure they require peeling, but these don’t take as much time as say, cutting up a watermelon (even though would go down a TREAT in this weather)!
Educate your staff-force on the benefits of fruit
Knowledge is power! It’s important to not only know about the benefits yourselves, but also informing your employees on the benefits of eating fruit! Some might go out of their way, especially if it’s right in-front of them, just to make a healthier choice for their diet. Let your staff force know about the availability of fruit, provide emails, leaflets, newsletters on the arrival of new fruits! There might be something like a handy blog that's posted every week on Friday too! (Hint Hint!)
Provide a variety of fruits!
There are all kinds of fruits from all across the world. Everyone is different and they have all kinds of tastes; what one employee may like, another may not. Providing a wide range of fruit, such as our mixed fruit package, caters to all tastes; from sweet to bitter, from firm to soft.
Make fruit apart of your company culture.
Embedding fruit into your company culture is a good way to encourage fruit consumption. For example, providing fruit gift-baskets for new staff is a great way to make employees feel welcome, and get them started into a fruit-loving journey. You could even provide fruit at a conference meeting. This can help break the ice and create a slightly more social atmosphere (if that’s what you’re going for). Fruit also adds a touch of colour to meetings, making them appear more inviting and less, ‘corporate.’
So, there you have it folk! Now you know why having a regular office fruit delivery is a good thing, as well as how to encourage people to eat the fruits! All that’s left is picking your fruit! We have a range of options, from season fruit boxes to milk, cereals and snacks!
If you need any more information, just get in contact with us and we’re more than happy to help!
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