City Harvest and Fruit For The Office Collaboration
Fruit for the office is committed to making a positive impact from the very first step of our chain, to the very end. We constantly are looking for ways to improve our operations to see what we can do to minimise our carbon footprint and ensure we leave a positive mark.
Did you know that food waste makes up 1/3rd of greenhouse gas production?
We work out absolute hardest to ensure that we minimise wasted fruit. We do this by:
- Maintaining several high quality suppliers
- Utilising our 75+ years of knowledge in the industry to ensure our buyers are expertly trained.
Despite this, there will undoubtedly be a surplus of food. At the moment all of this gets composted. Although we already ensure that none of our wastage goes to landfills, this wasn’t enough for us – that’s where City harvest came in.
City Harvest
City Harvest London is an organisation that focuses its efforts primarily in London to redistribute food waste. This in turn:
- Reduces food waste
- Reduces food poverty
- Supports various Communities in London
- Reduces Carbon Emissions, making businesses more sustainable.
City Harvest redistributes their donated food to various organisations such as:
Any produce that is good enough to consume, but no longer meets the high-quality standards that we prioritise in our client's services will go to City Harvest to be redistributed. Any food that can no longer be consumed will be composted.
Our Partnership
We've been working with City Harvest for half a year, and have already donated lots of food! On the right, you can see our General Manager, Joseph Young, standing to the right of Ben, City Harvest's amazing Food Sourcing Manager!
For last year we:
- Donated 387kg of surplus food
- Created the equivalent of 920 meals
- Prevented the emission of 1002kg of Greenhouse Gasses
We're ecstatic to continue working with City harvest, as we believe it's a great way to move toward a more sustainable future.
Thanks so much for reading, and we're hoping that you're as excited as we are on this great partnership to take Fruit For The Office one step further in a more sustainable future!
You can learn more about what we do to protect the environment by clicking here
You can learn more about City Harvest and their amazing work by clicking here!
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